School Policies
Welcome to our school page on key statutory policies. Many of these statutory policies are reviewed yearly by the whole Governing Body.
We also have a review schedule of when policies are to be reviewed which can be accessed. At Farndon, we take inclusion and equality very seriously. The first page of each policy has an equality statement which reviews the impact it may have on different groups of pupils.
Files to Download
Forced School Closure (remote education).pdf Medicines Policy.docx Fire Policy.doc Whistle blowing policy.pdf Looked After Children Policy.pdf Safer Recruitment Policy 2023.pdf Bereavement Policy.pdf Intimate Care Policy.pdf Feedback and Presentation Policy.pdf Freedom of Information.pdf Attendance Policy.pdf Risk Assessment Policy.pdf Site Security Policy.pdf Behaviour policy 2023.pdf Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf Acceptable use of communications policy.pdf Visitors and volunteers policy.pdf Start and End of the School Day Policy.pdf Exclusion Policy.pdf Dignity at work policy.pdf Missing Child Policy.pdf Sun Protection Policy.pdf Online Safety Policy.docx Bodily Fluids Policy.pdf Child Protection Policy.pdf Educational Visits Policy.pdf RSHE Policy.pdf Forced School Closure New.docx Collective Worship.doc First Aid Policy.pdf Complaints Policy (2).pdf Safeguarding Policy 2024-25.pdf First Aid Policy.pdf Health and Safety Policy.docx School Letting Policy.pdf