So what does a Champion in behaviour and learning look like at Farndon? 

Dressed smartly, working hard and well behaved need not apply. That is our expected standard here at Farndon Primary School

To be a champion you have to be the best of the very best!

A Champion must go above and beyond every session everyday. A Champion has to show that they always adhere to our 3 rules - Ready - Respect - Safe.

They have to regularly show our school values in class and outside including kindness, responsibility, perseverance, friendship and creativity. And above all, in all lessons, they must show good learning attitudes from our secrets to personal growth such as trying new things, working well with others, improving work from feedback, working hard, pushing themselves and concentrating.


Friday 19th April

Another Champion first! This week siblins won the honour of being a champion! Eliza and Freya Cooper were recognised in assembly for raising £1000 for the Save the Children charity whilst on their Easter break. They walked miles, carrying their heavy back packs and sleeping overnight inside churches. A fantastic achievement from them both. Well done girls. 

Friday 3rd May

After no nominations last week, their was just one nomnation and this one was from the Head. Our Champion came from Owls and was Holly Roberts. She showed she was a champion in every sense of the word whilst on her residential at Robinwood. She supported her team mates, she was confident and attacked all of the activities with confidence and in the team building events she took charge, showing fantastic communicating skills. A well earned award Holly. 

Friday 10th May

Several nominations this week, but the one stand out entry was Alfie Woods in Kestrels. As the Year 6 pupils prepare for their SATs tests, Alfie has shown great maturity and rose to the challenge. He has given it his all and can go forward into SATs week full of confidence. 

Friday 17th May

Only 1 nomination this week and that was Xander Kitchin in Year 2. Not only has his behaviour and attitude in class been examplary all term, he has also paticpated in a walk to raise money for chairty. This nomination has been long overdue and thoroughly deserved. Well done Xander.

Friday 7th June

Another first for our weekly champion. This person was nominated by 3 different people! Well done to Ethan Ward! He was awarded for holding the door open for Pre School children and his attitude at the football tournament was fantastic and his performances were an inspiration to all his team mates. 

Friday 21st June

Three pupils wer enominated this week. But there was one stand out contender - Marcus Coulson. He was nominated as he saw that a younger pupil was struggling to read one the election posters and so he stopped and read it to them. And on sports day, he was so helpful to Mrs Pimparel, tidying away equipment without being asked. A true champion!

Friday 5th July

There were a couple of nominations this week, but one really stood out. Mrs Wakefield nominated Olivia Hobson. She was amazing on the trip to Chirk castle when they had to descend a deep and dark stair case and when others got frightened she looked after them and guided them down the steps. Well done Olivia. 

Friday  July

Only 1 nomination this week. Mrs Wakefield put forward Ben Roberts in Year 4. He showed great maturity when faced with a difficult situation. He supported a pupil who was upset and tidied away all the scooters in the shelter without being asked. Well done Ben. 




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