So what does a Champion in behaviour and learning look like at Farndon? 

Dressed smartly, working hard and well behaved need not apply. That is our expected standard here at Farndon Primary School

To be a champion you have to be the best of the very best!

A Champion must go above and beyond every session everyday. A Champion has to show that they always adhere to our 3 rules - Ready - Respect - Safe.

They have to regularly show our school values in class and outside including kindness, responsibility, perseverance, friendship and creativity. And above all, in all lessons, they must show good learning attitudes from our secrets to personal growth such as trying new things, working well with others, improving work from feedback, working hard, pushing themselves and concentrating.


Our roll call of champions Autumn Term 2024

06/09: It was our second "double" champion with sisters again. Our first Champions were Edie and Hattie Cook. Their teachers from last year both said a nomination was long overdue because of their hard work in class throughout the whole year. But they were also awarded for their wonderful chairty work over the summer. They raised money for a cancer chairty by doing something active for a mile every single day of the summer holiday. They raised nearly £700 - a wonderful achievement! Well done girls. 

20/09: Something must have been in the water this week as we had 7 nominations! But one pupil stood out from the rest - Alfie Ward. He was nominated by two different members of staff for showing great maturity and offering assistance to staff and giving up his own break not just once, but twice! Well done Alfie. 

11/10: A true champion in every sense of the word. Maria Antrobus in Kestrels was awarded Champion status as she has been consistently amazing in class and on the trampoline. She has shown such responsibility and perseverance in her school work and her training. She competed in the National championships and di amazingly well! And her school work is pretty amazing too!

18/10: In assembly, we looked at Martin Luther King's speech where he shared his dream. Mr Walker's dream was that everyone in school is friendly, kind and respectful. And he dreams that everyone in class works hard, concentrates, pushes themselves and doesn't give up. And with this person the dream certainly came true! Barclay Hughes was all of these things his Champion status is well deserved. 



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