On Line Safety

"Teachers help pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe, including when online." OFSTED Report 2020

As a school we take the safety of pupils when on line very seriously. Our work on Online Safety meets Article 13 for the Rights of the child which states children must be able to access all kinds of information as long as it is within the law and safe. It also meets Article 17 which makes clear that we must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

Below are websites for parents that can be accessed that give valuable advice and support on how to keep our children safe when on line:

New website to support your child for online bullying and general safety. Click on the icon below:  internet matters logo

Safe Internet Day  takes place on the 7th February. Activities will look at the new European Strategy for a better internet. It is based on 3 Pillars: Ensuring safe digital experiences; Digital empowerment; Active paticipation. 

We invite children to complete the Safer Internet Day Quiz: Click here for the quiz

For our curriculum, we follow the On line programme - E Aware. This assesses the pupils' knowledge and allows teachers to deliver the content that the children need. It concentrates on areas such as cyber bullying, friends, passwords, time online, private information and digital footprint. 

Please have a look at the  On Line Safety Policy. Any views on e-safety would be welcomed and can be e mailed to the main office or the Headteacher. Also, the Anti Bullying policy is available to down load, along with a leaflet that has been jointly written by the Headteachers of all the Headteachers in the local area.

Safety tips for parents for On-line safety and protecting children from harm click here

Advice for parents on how to keep their children safe online click here

For parent information on setting I-Pad parental controls click here

For parent information on setting Kindle Fire controls click here

Microsoft Family Safety click here

Futher details on safe use of the internet click here

Online safety website for parent: Think You Know... click here

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online:  Internet matters 

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online: Parent info 

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online: LGfL 

Support for parents and carers from the NSPCC: Net-aware 

Free expert advice on keeping safe on-line click here

Advice for parents about online gaming

Key Questions:

Is my child's Computer/Console somewhere where I can monitor online activity?

Does my child use a headset? If so, are the setting such that I can hear the conversation?

Do you/your child know all of their online gaming friends personally?

Are all of their online contacts of an appropriate age?

Does your PC/Console have a camera attached for video chat? If so, how do you monitor its use?




Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’