Reception New Starters

A big hello to all those children and their families who are looking to  join us in our Reception classes in September 2024!

You should have all now recieved your Welcome Pack. If you were unable to attend the parent meeting on Wednesday 12th June, your pack will be available from the school office. We have also uploaded the presentation that was shared at the meeting and this can be accessed below.

If you have any queries, please contact the school office and a member of the Reception team will be in touch.

There is a useful video on this page which shows you the learning environment for our younger pupils. However, for a more detailed overview of the school as a whole, there will be the opportunity to view the school and meet with the team on an Open Day, which will be held on Thursday 26th October at 10am and 2pm. To book a place, please contact the school on 01244 621124

Starting school is a big milestone for your child and here you can find out more about what life is like in Reception to help make the transition to Reception a smooth one.

Schools only manage in year transfers and it is the Local Authority who oversee Reception admissions. For more information parents can access the website by clicking on this link: Reception Admissions

Below you can find some useful information about starting school. 

We look forward to welcoming you into Reception very soon!





Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’