Ladybirds 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bayley

Reception Teacher

Miss Richards

Reception Teacher

 Welcome to Ladybirds

Welcome to your first year in school and we are really excited to have you here at Farndon. We have lots of amazing and exciting activites planned this year. 

Mrs Bayley (Mon - Wed) and Mrs Cottle (Wed - Fri) are your class teachers. 

Mrs Edmond is our Teaching Assistant within Reception . 

Summer Term

This half term we will be focusing on castles and learning about all of the different parts of a castle and what they were used for. We will look at castles that surround our local area and we will discuss what life inside a castle might have been like!

The children will have opportunities to create castle pictures using different techniques and materials and we will also look at stained glass window artwork.

We will share stories that link to our castle theme including traditional tales such as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Rapunzel’ and we will also look at non-fiction books to develop our understanding of life inside a castle.


We will then move onto looking at dragons and focus on the story ‘Zog’. We will use our imaginations to create a dragon and think of the type of dragon it might be e.g. a fire dragon or water dragon.


The children might be able to visit a castle as part of our school trip and therefore, be able to experience being inside a real castle and see how all of the different parts of a castle fit together. The children will then be able to share their experiences and write a recount of their day.


Finally, we will celebrate all of our individual and collective achievements this academic year and we will come together to have a tea party whilst focusing on the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ by Judith Kerr.




Our PE day is WEDNESDAY. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE Kit on Wednesdays and make sure they have a labelled drinks bottle. Just a reminder that our PE Kit is a red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and black pumps or trainers. 


Each Friday we post a class newsletter and a homework task onto Google Classrooms. This is usually a practical activity linked to the weeks learning. We also ask that you read or share a book with your child every day and we send home a book once a week from the class library. We follow Read Write Inc for phonics and during the year there will be activites and tasks linked to this.








Files to Download

Ladybirds: News items

Farndon General Election, by Mr Walker

Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Wakefield

Ladybirds: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Ladybirds: Gallery items

Sports Day, by Mr Walker

Soapbox Race, by Mr Walker

Ladybirds: Calendar items

INSET DAY, by Ms Diamond

Half Term Holiday, by Ms Diamond

Christmas Holiday, by Ms Diamond

‘Unlocking the Potential’