
"Building the foundations for future learning"

"Their exemplary behaviour supports their learning well. This was observed during story time, as children discussed the characters in a story and talked to each other about their favourite nursery rhymes." OFSTED 2020

Farndon Pre-School is part of a maintained school which forms part of our foundation stage unit with the reception classes.  Staff work together as part of an early years team to provide the best possible care and education for each child.

We believe that every child is a unique individual who is born ready, able and eager to learn. We celebrate the individuality of each child in our care and help them to discover their own identity, likes and dislikes.

We support children to become independent learners through helping them to establish positive relationships with peers and staff who are sensitive and responsive to each child’s needs, feelings and interests.

We provide rich learning opportunities within an enabling environment so that our children can learn and develop through play and playful teaching.

We support children’s development and learning by providing challenging, meaningful and playful opportunities where children can explore, create, think critically and become active in their own learning.

One of our parents said, " Acorns is a five star setting for children. "

Pre-School Staff

Mrs Pomerantz - Class Teacher

Miss Baker - Teaching Assistant 

Pre-school sessions...

Your child will qualify for free sessions through the Early Years Foundation Stage Grant (known as the EYFSG) from the term after your child's third birthday.

Nursery is open during term time only Monday to Friday.

Morning session: 8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Lunch: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (packed lunch or hot school meal)

Afternoon session: 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

We offer the 30 hours funding but term time only from 8:45 - 3:30. Where children opted to stay for lunch, there is an additional charge. For those parents who do not qualify and only have 15 hours funding, there a various options: 2 1/2 day week or mornings only.  

Settling in at Pre-School

Even if your child has attended a playgroup or nursery before attending Farndon Pre-School , it takes time to adjust and become familiar and secure in a new situation.  This settling in period can take time – please be patient and try not to worry. In September we stagger our intake so the children are only with us mornings or afternoons for the first couple of weeks. 

Parents as partners...

Parents and carers can keep track of their child's learning and development through our new online, interactive learning book. It is an intuitive, easy to use, web based tool to record children's observations and captures evidence of children's developmental progress and learning.

Arrange a visit...

If you are interested in applying for a place in our Pre-School, please contact the school using the above contact details and arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you and your child!

Organising a place in Reception 2024

The closing date for organising a place in Reception in 2024 is the 15th January. Click here for more information. 

Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’