Leave of Absence

Outstanding Attendance; Unlocking the potential

Last year, our school attendance was good with 95.54% and we are looking to improve on this figure this academic year. Pupils can enter the school grounds from 8:45 and the pupils will be lined up to enter school at 8.55 promptly. Late arrivals must be accompanied by an adult and signed in at the main entrance.  

Whilst as a school we recognise the benefits of family holidays and recognise that there are times when it is not possible to take these during school holidays, we are under a legal duty to only authorise these in 'exceptional circumstances.

If parents are wishing to take their child out of school during term time, then a Leave of Absence request form must be obtained from the school office. Recent amendments to legislation state that leave during school time should only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Local Authority guidance makes clear that a Fixed Penalty Notice should be considered if the unauthorised leave of absence is at least 5 school days taken consecutively during term time. To comply with this new legislation, we as a school must follow this guidance.

Parents find more information from Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority by following the link - click here

Parents can access the form below.

Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’