Latest OFSTED report

The school's latest OFSTED inspection took place in February 2020. It was a section 8 inspection and we remain at least GOOD. 

Parents can access the latest report on this page. 

What does the school need to do further to improve. 

Comprehensive curriculum plans, which carefully sequence learning, are now in place for all subjects. However, some subject leaders do not identify sufficient opportunities for pupils to revisit important learning. On occasions, some teachers do not use their assessments of where pupils are in their learning to help them know and remember more. Leaders must ensure that teachers identify the most important knowledge that pupils need to know and address any misconceptions.

We have now completed all the Curriculum maps for the foundation subjects. For all subjects teachers assess prior knowledge and review current knowledge being taught through fluent in five questioning. We completed written fluent in five assessments in Maths, Science, History and Geography. At the end of each term, teachers complete summative assessment for all the foundation subjects and pupils are assessed as either working below, working within the age related curriculum, working securely at age related and working at a higher standard.

Outcomes in the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1 have been very low for the last two years. Leaders need to ensure that the recent improvements are fully embedded so that a much higher proportion of pupils achieve the expected standard in phonics by the end of Year 1.

As a school, we invited into school Literacy Hub who completed a thorough review of our teaching of phonics. Staff have now been trained in the Read Write Inc programme, we have signed up to the RWI on line hub, and purchased RWI books that closely align to the phonics being taught. Rather than a mix of teaching methods and resources, we will now rigidly follow the Read Write Inc programme. To support parents with reading with their child at home, we hold Phonics workshops and have purchased "books for bags". These books closely match the phonics being taught that week to enable them to apply it at home. They also include questions that parents can use to discuss the text and to help their child with their comprehenson. In 2024, we saw the impact of this work. 97% passed the phonics screening test which is well above the national average and we achieved an average score of 36.1.

To access any previous OFSTED Reports, please click here


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