Caterpillars 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Caterpillars
Welcome to your first year in school and we are really excited to have you here at Farndon. We have lots of amazing and exciting activites planned this year.
Mrs Chapman Brown is your class teacher.
Mrs Edmond is our Teaching Assistant within Reception.
Autumn Term
We are very excited to welcome our Reception children into our classroom and explore all of the wonderful learning opportunities together. We are sure that the children will settle into their new school routine quickly and will get to know each other during the first couple of weeks.
This half term, we will be focusing on the topic 'All About Me' and discovering what makes us unique as we celebrate diversity amongst ourselves and look at ways in which we are similar or different to each other.
Reception will soon be celebrating the Harvest Festival which will include a visit to our local church. We will find out how harvest is celebrated locally and in other countries and what foods are traditionally harvest at this time of year. We will learn a song called 'Big, Red, Combine Harvester' which we will sing during the Harvest Festival.
The Reception children will also learn about the Jewish celebration 'Rosh Hashanah' and we will try apples dipped in honey as part of the tradition.
During this half term, we will also take part in European Day of Languages and the children will have an opportunity to find out about other languages and cultures.
Our P..E day is Wednesday. Please make sure that your child comes to school in their P.E.kit and brings a labelled drinks bottle. Just a reminder that our P.E kit is a red T-shirt, black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and black pumps.
Each Friday we will post a class newsletter and a homework task on to Google Classroom. This is usually a practical task linked to the weeks learning. We also ask that you read or share a book with your child every day and we send a library book home once a week. We follow Read, Write,Ink for phonics and during the year there will be activities and tasks linked to this.
Files to Download
Caterpillars: News items
December Book Journey, by Mrs Wakefield
Christmas Fair, by Mrs Wakefield
October Reading Newsletter, by Mrs Wakefield
Caterpillars: Calendar items
Y1 Christmas Concert, by Ms Diamond
Y6 Chester Market, by Ms Diamond
Y5 Strings Concert, by Ms Diamond