Healthy School

Healthy and happy pupils; unlocking the potential

We believe that when a child is happy and healthy, then they will perform better in class and become improved learners. This is part of our work on Article 24 for Rights of the child which states every child has the right to the best possible health. We must provide good quality health care, nutricious food, drinking water, and a clean environment so that children can stay healthy.

We are proud of our school dinners which we believe to be healthy, tasty and nutritious; the pupils have had their say on the new menus that will be available from September. In our dinner hall, we have purchased new dining furniture, provide a fruit and salad bar and the children now eat off plates rather than those old fashioned trays.

Our kitchen staff follow the guidance to ensure we maintain the Bronze Catering Mark: deep fried items are restricted to 2 per week; Friday menus are "Meat Free"; fruit wedges are served with all biscuits and cakes; wholegrain food is available at least once a week such as brown rice and wholemeal bread; salad is available every day; oily fish such as salmon is used once every 3 weeks.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, we follow the PE Passport Physical Education curriculum. This includes mindfullness units such as Yoga and Health and Fitness units. 

As part of the curriculum we plan in activites to promote a healthy lifestyle. The Year 5 pupils have workshops with the Cheshire Phoenix basketball players. In our PE Curriculum, our pupils have teaching units on how to keep fit and healthy.  

Senior leaders have had training in the Government's Food Plan. Click on the link for more information:  Government Food Plan

Or download the document below to find out more about our own school's food plan and how we aim to achieve this.

Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’