Weekly Homework

Homework - Year 1 and 2

Access Google Classroom for this week's homework.

Year 1 Phonics

Download this week's phonics sheet to practise reading and writing words containing the sounds ar and or.

Year 2 Spellings

Access spellings via https://spellingframe.co.uk/  

We will be testing your child on these spellings next Friday. A blank copy of the 'look cover write check' sheet is available to download below and you can add the spellings for the week if you want to practise them in this way.

Year 1 children do NOT have spellings


They can also use the class log in on www.oxfordowl.co.uk to access ebooks.


Optional Homework

Find a list of common exception words below, these are words your child must be able to spell and read by the end of the year. How many words can your child read and spell?

Thank you


Files to Download

‘Unlocking the Potential’