
Our exciting topic for the Summer Term is - Once Upon a Time!

In History, the pupils will focus on changes in living history and will ask themselves what life was like in Farndon once upon a itme - that time being Victorian times! The studies will focus on what it was like in a Victorian house and compare it to what our homes are like today. Their Geography will of course centre around our very own village. The pupils will learn all about compass points, map making of the local area and study ariel photographs to identify how the village has changed in respect of the physical and human geography. 

For art, they wll learn all about the artist Hundertwasser who was best known for his use of bright, dark colours and spiral shapes. He was influenced very much by nature. Many of his designs included grass, trees and plants and he often depicted trees like lollipops. When creating their own art work of a Fairy Tale landscape, our Infant pupils will learn about the primary and secondary colours and use pencil, pastel and paint to produce different line, texture and effects to create contrasting backgrounds. In Design and Technology, they will look at Victorian toys and try to make their very own Jack in the Box! 

In Computing, they will create their own digital media presentation when trying to advertise and sell their own Victorian house in Farndon. And in their coding and programming, they will create their own Fairy Tale scenes and make the sprites move!

Finally, in Science the children will be learning all about plants and trees and be able to explain how seeds and bulbs grow into plants. They will also learn about what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy. 




‘Unlocking the Potential’