Headteacher Weekly blog week beginning 14th March

Date: 19th Mar 2016 @ 3:05pm

Well I think it is fair to say that our school's OFSTED inspection dominated the week.

The report will be sent through to school in the next few days and we will of course share the outcomes with parents as soon as we have it confirmed. What I can say is how incredibly proud I was with everyone connected to our school. Everyone played their part and it was so pleasing to see the Farndon team come together. Throughout the inspection, the children were fantastic; when a group of pupils met with the inspector, they all shook her hand to introduce themselves. The inspection itself was a very positive experience and we were all pleased to have the opportuntiy to showcase the school and the hard work we have all put in since the last inspection.

After a long day spent with the inspector, I welcomed the opportunity to once again work with the Year 5 and 6 pupils on their coding project. The children really enjoyed creating their space invader game. I would go as far as saying they were better than the orginal I had on Christmas day as a child. Using coding, the children programmed their sprites to move across the screen and explode when shot down by the cannon or rocket.

On Thursday, our Year 2 footballers took part in the Mini Kickers tournament. They had a great afternoon and performed really well. We had a tough draw and came up against some big Chester schools. We won 1, drew 1 and lost 2. What was really pleasing was seeing how the children continued to have a big smile on their faces and a positive attitude throughout. Well done to them all.

After a weekend to recharge the batteries, we will focus on our Easter celebrations. The Thursday Easter service with Reverend Scurr is to be held in church and is for the children only. Also, I look forward to meeting parents at parents' evening.

‘Unlocking the Potential’